A digital scan of a four color silk screen self portrait of myself done on paper.


Hello, my name is Keith Duke.

I am a web developer with over 13 years of experience working in the online media industry. For a decade I served as a full stack engineer focused on front-end technologies for CBS Interactive (now Paramount) as both a Lead and Senior on numerous brands. I have worked with most delivery technologies, such as...

I completed my Bachelor of Arts in Web Design & New Media at the Academy of Art University in San Francisco. I previously completed coursework in Computer Science at Middle Tennessee State University. I have a background and love for craft and restoration, having worked professionally in wood and glass restoration. I fancy myself a writer, coding is an act of writing to two audiences.

Read more of my writing, coding and design at Here Lately.

Reach out to me on Linkedin, Github and Mastodon.

Thanks for stopping by!