Hello, my name is Keith Duke.
I am a web developer with over 13 years of experience working in the online media industry. For a decade I served as a full stack engineer focused on front-end technologies for CBS Interactive (now Paramount) as both a Lead and Senior on numerous brands. I have worked with most delivery technologies, such as...
JavaScript/TypeScript with Node and Vue/Nuxt, React/Next, Vite and Astro.
Python with Django and Flask.
PHP with Laravel, CodeIgniter and Zend.
CSS with Sass, BEM and major frameworks like Bootstrap and Tailwind.
I completed my Bachelor of Arts in Web Design & New Media at the Academy of Art University in San Francisco. I previously completed coursework in Computer Science at Middle Tennessee State University. I have a background and love for craft and restoration, having worked professionally in wood and glass restoration. I fancy myself a writer, coding is an act of writing to two audiences.
Read more of my writing, coding and design at Here Lately.